Reminder: The Battle Is The Lord’s!!

Whew! Can you believe that the year is almost half way over??? Somehow I am still baffled that time is flying by the way that it is. I am sure I’m not the only one who has a mini freak out by thinking about it. Lol 

During this year of 2016, I have been challenging myself to do better, as well as, treat others better. When I feel the pressure of everyday life taking a toll on me, I try to remain at peace. No matter how much I am being afflicted, I want to do good by others!

The month of May has been extremely stressful for me. As my unemployment funds have been extinguished, I am keeping my faith in God to make a way out of no way. Which is something that the Lord does best. For the past few months, I have been job hunting like crazy. With God’s favor, I have had several interviews as well. When it seems like all hope is lost & I cannot do anything else, I have to give my battle to God. I remind myself of the many miracles he has performed in the past and how he will do it again!! I know he cares and I know he is with me through it all. ❤️

Each week one of my favorite pastors uploads a podcast on iTunes. His name is Pastor Joseph Prince. I’ve posted one of his teachings on my blog in the past. When he refers to the scriptures in the bible, he breaks down the words & defines their true meaning in Hebrew. The following video is called “Five Words to Live By: The Battle is The Lord’s”. If you have any spare time today, I recommend checking out this video. It is only 16 minutes long and has helped me tremendously these past few days. For those who are going through, like myself, don’t pass it up. Give yourself a break & much needed rest. Keep me in your prayers, as you will be in mine. God bless!! ❤️

10 thoughts on “Reminder: The Battle Is The Lord’s!!

  1. Thanks for sharing the podcast. I can’t wait to listen to it. I wish you God’s peace as you wait for the right job and wisdom in finding one. Most of all, that you will feel good about yourself, knowing that he has equipped you for a special task. xx


  2. i speak blessings upon blessings and favors upon favors to you. i declare that God continue to prosper the works of your hands and use you to advance His kingdom. In Jesus’ name.

    p.s. continue inspiring. will be praying for you. remember that when God gives you a vision, He will surely give you a provision. 🙂

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